Friday, October 13, 2006

Almost Human

Here I am a week later and I feel almost human. No stamina to speak of but at least I feel better.
Now, onto the interesting stuff. I have an idea for my NaNo project and a title. It is a beginning. I was surfing for information on an unrelated subject when I came across a gem of an idea. Isn't that the way it goes? I decided to write in a historical fiction genre. All this because I found a picture of an articulated ivory doll that was discovered in the ruins of Pompeii. Here everyone thought Barbie was an original idea. Hah. I am going to print out a copy of the picture and use it to guide me while I write.
This past week I have been reclining and knitting up a storm. I have finished up some old linering projecys as weel. Oh, about the border pattern, well as no one reads this ..lolol.. I finally sat down and unknit about 30 rows and wrote down everystich before I finally got the hang of the pattern. Then I re wrote the rows in reverse and voila I have my pattern. It seems to me I did this once before. Sandy says she is sure I did. What can I say..shrug of the shoulders. This time I wrote it out in a notebook. Now here is the hysterical part. I am going to run out of yarn about 5 patterns from the end. No panic, sos call to Sandy, who has a part used ball of the same yarn. She is mailing it up to me and finally I will have it finished! That has been hanging around for at least 3-4 years. I started that back when I had the store and it has been closed for 2 years, 5 months, and 13 days but who is counting?
I have had a couple of emails from the ladies at the store. Everyone misses me. That feels good.
I do not know if I am going to work next week. I am going to have to take this day by day.
Time to go rest.

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