Sunday, November 02, 2008

Little Ole Doll Maker Me

It has been years since I made dolls. My favourites were called "Myfanwy," of course. They were victorian dolls and came with boned corsets, petticoats, bloomers and travelling costumes and even a brocade wedding dress. PITY, I do not have any pictures. No digital cameras then. Then there was "Jocelyn" a lovely doll with braids and skin the colour of a chocolate bar. One pregnant woman was so taken with her she named her baby after my doll.
I came across these books, which by the way, is only 34% off IF you order them online WITH a credit card! Which I do not have. So I had to pay FULL FRIGGIN price..sigh I got the second and third but the first one I have been unable to find. Except online. "Christmas hint!!!!!"
I haven't even had a chance to look through them but I have a "need to sew" coming on and winter is coming. So I rationalize everything.
because I am 16 kinds of an is NANOWRIMO after all ( my word count is 2904) I signed up for National Blog Every Day month. which is NOW of course. So look for my ramblings every day in November. Ijust signed up today.
I signed up for the November knitting challenge on Ravelry. I was the July winner. The theme is "FALL" and I had better not do that on my face.
Time to get dressed we are off to see 2 of the Grand daughters today... talk to you later,

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