Saturday, January 26, 2008

I have had it.......

Periodically I get on here and have a rant on my inability to find a hair dresser. You will be relieved to hear I have finally found one that knows how to cut hair, now what do I do with this lid? I have been a blond(in varying degrees) for 4 years. I am bored with it. Twice during that time I had it darkened to a brown shade but I never had brown hair before and I didn't like that either. It looks like there is only one way, just let it grow out..shudder I have an appointment with the hair dresser this morning at 9. It will be interesting to see if she has any back later

later that day...

I am so happy! surprised??? My hairdresser didn't show up so the owner came over to apologize and we got to talking. I told him my tale of woe and the next thing you know he had shade books out on the table and I was getting the royal treatment. He called over another stylist and I ended up with low lights and a new haircut. I am very please. This will enable me to grow out the bleach blond a lot easier. Carl likes the new look too!

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