Sunday, September 14, 2008


Aren't these flowers beautiful? I just can't help feeling brighter when I look at them.
My concentration is the pits so I haven't knit very much. One of the Dr's at the hospital said that every decade we cross makes recovery that much longer. I told him to bite his tongue.
It is a sure sign of advancing age when the doctor looks about 14 years old, ok... ok... 16 tops.

I am napping twice a day like a baby but the pain is better. I missed going to the Knitter's Fair on Saturday. Very disappointed about that. It only happens once a year. Then again look at all the money I saved? I will have to start knitting up my stash anyway. No political comments today, too tired. I did update the bogs and web sites I read..see sidebar, "What did you say." There are some very funny articulate people out there.

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