Sunday, March 11, 2007

The bigger the buildup the bigger the fall!

Yup, you got it . I never made it to the Curry night. Oh sheesh too much cold medicine had a disaterous effect on my personal plumbing...enough said. Well, next time. To say nothing of the fact had I gone I would have been at the wrong restaurant....sigh
Work is back to normal and I am glad that is over. The boss says,"'till next time."
Today I have to get this front finished on my grandaughter's sweater and get the other one on the needles...I see myself knitting the collar on the way up to Kincardine next weekend. Oh dear. I should have just knit a plain sweater but no that was boring so I had to knit a pattern. I am a brute for punishment.I am sure it will be too big for her but I like big sweaters. They are cosy.
So today is marathon knitting!!!.

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