Sunday, May 31, 2009

A very merry B-day to me

You're only as old as you feel.
Age is a state of mind.
The alternative to getting older is..well you know.
Enough already!

What I want to know is where did the time go?

Life is never what we expect. I have lived long enough to have checked off all the "status" boxes on a government form: single, married, separated, divorced, widowed ...whew
The last 20 years have been a roller coaster let me tell you. Now, I feel as if I am falling apart. My knee went out on me 4 times on Friday. The first time, after work, I thought I had just zigged when I outta zagged. Then my knee gave way twice in succession leaving the restaurant a couple of hours later. Then again Saturday morning and this is my "good" knee. Took my breath away let me tell you. Carl got me a crutch and I am cautiously moving around. I shall call the Dr.'s office on Monday for an appointment. Might as well get both knees X-rayed while I am at it.
(damn bugger blast)

Youngest son and his love are moving to the big city today. I expect to see 2 out of 4 of my greatest accomplishments today.
I am not getting older.
I am constantly improving....


Susan said...

A very Happy Birthday to you Susan! I'd sing in your honour but you wouldn't appreciate it. Trust me on this one :-). Hope you have a lovely day.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday. It seems you have the same attitude as I. I ma grateful I made 50 and hopefully will make another 3 or 4 decades...a day at a time.

Susan said...

Thank you both. I have decided "middle age" isn't so bad after

happyone said...

A Happy Birthday to you a day late.
Mine was the day before May 30! :-)

Sorry about your knee. That must be painful.