Monday, August 31, 2009
In Connecticut
This morning Paul is charged with making breakfast and I am being totally spoiled.
The measure of a friend is that after almost 30 years we are able to resume our connection. I am blessed to have this time with her. The weight of stress has left me already. Today we may just "veg out." Tomorrow Jackie has a class scheduled that she is teaching and I am to go with her. She credits me with her success in the Ballet world because I encouraged (pushed, cajoled...etc) her to start her first school. Who knew she would become one of 7 qualified examiners in the Cecchetti USA Classical Ballet.
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
What to take...

Then becomes the age old question. "What the heck to pack?" Knitting needles, wool, sock yarn, toothbrush and clean knickers are on the list so far. I tend to pack "light" but I don't want to be ridiculous. Tonight I am going to cast off the shawl I am taking for Jackie, yes I know I am running behind, it will have to be blocked tomorrow and WILL be dry if I have to turn the furnace on. I have Michael's new fair isle design all graphed and ready for wool shopping. Carl has the charger and extra batteries for the cameras. He wants his black socks also. I should be able to finish the other sock on the way there. He can drive with one bare foot. Who's to know? I am not sure how much money to convert into US. New York City is 2.5 hrs by train from my friends house....I hope we can go. She says a day trip is very doable. I want to go to the top of the Empire State Building and have a "Moment to Remember." My mother always says," You can always bring home what you don't spend.".... snort.... like that will ever happen. Oh, I want to go to the grocery store and buy kool aid too. They have much more interesting colours in the states. (For new readers, I don't drink it I use it to dye wool.) I always feel I have to explain that when I am buying 30 packs of ice blue kool aid. The clerk still looks at me as if I have a screw loose. Que sera.
I realize this is a bit of a ramble but I am using the time to organize my thoughts. I am worn out and will be so glad to get away.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Holiday countdown

I had planned on going to a fund raiser for breast cancer research at an Alpaca Farm on Sat but didn't make it. I crashed on the lounge chair and knit on the shawl for Jacki. Two more weeks and we will be heading, passports firmly grasped in hand, to Connecticut. Last night we watched a "one hankie" movie. If it wasn't for the humour it would be a "two-er" for sure. I laughed I cried...sigh..didn't get any knitting done for blowing my
Nothing I like more than a good love story with action, hysterical funny bits and a happy ending. Recipe for a perfect movie, too bad Hollywood wouldn't stick with this formula. If you are looking for gratuitous sex, violence and filthy language then pass, you won't like it. Carl watched it just because Audrey Hepburn is in it.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
The truth be told.....

The unmistakable signs
Shop assistants cower in fear when you return shoddy goods.
You are the litter police
You like a slip-on shoe – saves all that bending
If you wore a thong you might look like a Sumo wrestler
You start collecting used margarine pots and plastic bags
You start to enjoy pottering
Things That Grumpy Old Women Say
It's a bloody disgrace
I want to talk to the manager
Spending a penny
Is it me or is it hot in here?
I could murder a nice cup of tea
I can remember those flared trousers first time around