Saturday, January 31, 2009
One Word

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Cross Blog Bragging..lol

Saturday, January 24, 2009
I am not a techno geek...but
I bought myself this neat little techno toy. It is a reading light that runs on batteries when the book/pattern clip is used or from the USB port on the lap top. Cool or what??
I can plug it into my laptop on the table next to my fave knitting place and turn the head to shine on my work. Which at present is a BLACK sweater for my nephew!
Me thinks every one should dash out to "Chapters" and get one.
Speaking of Chapters......yesterday I bought another book..
yeah yeah I know..books and wool my addictions.
anyway... I read a review of this book "The Lace Reader."
Then I found there was a web site ( click on the title)about the book and the author. At present I am reading "The Thirteenth Tale" and I am enjoying it very much.
So here is my plan for 2009. I am going to review one book a month to be posted at the end of the month. I know I would like to read more than that but I do have to work and knit so let's be a little realistic here.
January: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
February: The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry
It would be nice if others would like to read along with me and participate in the review process.
Stay tuned for more on this subject...No spoilers please if you have already finished a book on my list...that would be too cruel.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Meet the new "man" in my life..

Thank you to Evan and Britt for a great Christmas present!! I smile everytime I look up at his natty little pork pie hat, aran sweater and spectator shoes...lol
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Air Canada 1255 Cancun to Toronto

I did not cook or clean, or answer a phone, or listen to complaints or stroke any egos. It was wonderful. I walked and napped and bubbled in the in room Jacuzzi. I drank pina coladas and ate crisp fresh fruit. I read and swam and napped somemore. I was catered to and loved every minute of it. Carl and I hated to leave. It was over so fast.

We arrived home safely ( Jesus Mary & Joseph it is cold here) and for that I am thankful. I am glad I had not heard about the plane in the Hudson or the other plane that blew out 4 tires on landing. I am a whoosey on landings any way. I have to clamp my eyes shut brace my foot angainst the seat in front of me and almost cut the circulation off on Carl's arm waiting for the wheels to hit the tarmack. Then I am ok..lol
When does the dining room serve dinner? Where is the maid? Oh crap..reality bites
Friday, January 09, 2009
Hasta luego *see you later*

I know it's actually an Aztec calendar and I am going to be in Mayan territory but it caught your attention didn't it?
I have not nearly packed. I did buy another book (The Thirteenth Tale)..sigh..that makes 4 ..yikes ...there will not be enough room in my suitcase. I was so determined to travel "light" this time. Will wool for 2 pairs of socks be enough?? Not that I expect to knit 4 feet but I always knit the right sock first. Go figure that out.
I have double checked and my bamboo needles are legal on Air Canada. As long as none of my carry on bottles of creams, gels, liquids and such do not indiviually exceed 100 ml and all bottles will fit in one one-litre zip lock bag I am laughing. I seriously doubt that I will have room in my suitcase for that "stuff."
My to do list:
-Cash my paycheck and pick up some "Yanky dollars" to go shoppping. I want some lapis lazuli...
-go to the drugstore I need some after sun for the burn I know I will get. I already spent a fortune on the aforementioned 100ml bottles of "stuff"
-stay away from the bookstore.....
Last night I cleaned out the fridge. Today was garbage day......good thing.
CBC ( Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio is compiling a list of Canadian music for the new VP Obama so he can get a "feel" for Canadians. It has been wonderful. Everything from "The Logdrivers Waltz" to Classical. They will ultimately choose 48 I am going to buy the CD when it's ready.
Now, for those of your who do not know the Logdriver's Waltz here you go.. Classic National Film Board of Canada animation.
O.K. I have to go make another list
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
To see beyond what we see......

So far I have "The Friday Night Knitting Club" ( Christmas present from thoughtful daughter in law) and "Can You Ever Forgive Me," story of a literary forger. ( Yes, I read non fiction too) Oh and book 2 of "Kiss of Fire," a little steamy fantasy romance.