Here we are a week later. My world has been turned upside down and given a thorough shaking. I never did like a roller coaster ride. Time to pick up the threads and knit my life back together. Instead of looking at gaping holes I have to think of them as lace. We met so many of her friends and I learned things about my Mother I hadn't known before.
It was true, when I think about it, our mother never said good bye when we were talking on the phone. We joked about how one minute she would be there and then "click" she was gone. Turns out she did it with every one. Phrases like "Well I won't keep you any longer" and "That's all for now" were common place.
Last Saturday morning she wasn't well and the nurse asked if she would like someone to be called, "Oh no," she said and then she just went to sleep.
She used to tell us, that when her time came, if she went in her sleep we were not to mourn her but be glad she did not suffer. I will agree with that but I will still mourn her passing. My little brother ( lol) has posted about Mom over
here.And now......In the what in the world could happen next scenario.......
Carl went to the doctor yesterday and he has bronchitis. Not severe but in time to nip this in the bud as we will be in Mexico 2 weeks from today. Last night he ran a hot bath and had just settled in when........I fell in the side hall at the top of the basement stairs. It is a wonder I didn't pitch right down the stairs. I caught the railing just in time.
Evan came running. I thought I had broken my ankle. Poor Carl had to get out of the tub get dressed and start the car. I couldn't seem to get up on my good foot I was terrified on loosing my balance and A. falling down the stairs and taking Evan with me or B. loosing my balance and standing on my shrieking ankle. The ambulance was called. Four hours later, 6 X-rays ( do you know how many bones are in the foot?) and I was home. The Doctor in emergency said to me, "I am sorry it's not broken." I know sounds funny but he explained it to me. A break heals in a given time a sprain lingers on and on and on... So I have crutches now. I will probably need a cane by the time we leave for Mexico. I will have to be careful not to go over on my ankle in the next couple of months. Oh and the old house slippers. The ones with no tread on the bottom. They are now in the rubbish.
Oh gentle readers I am not finished with my tale of woe. They sent me home with a vial of tablets for pain. It appears I do not tolerate codeine any more. I was up at 3 am with stomach pain and the dry heaves. Oh joy oh bliss.
I am sporting a dandy bruise on my right wrist and I have wrenched the thigh muscle on the same leg as the damaged ankle. Could be worse I could have wrenched the other leg then I would be well and truly scuppered.

Here are Gran's Brood. She was so proud of them all:
Back row: L to R: Corinne (mine), Amanda (Paul), Matt ( David), Michael & Evan & Julia (all mine) Front row: L to R: Doug (David) & Stephanie (Paul)
They kept us laughing.
As David put it, "We are now the senior generation." Sobering thought, eh?

Paul and Debbie, Susan with Carl, Ghislaine and David