Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's very disappointing.....

I am a trusting soul I know. You think I would learn but noooooo.
I went out to my car this morning and the inside was a tip. I forgot to lock the door last night. The glove compartment was emptied, the storage box between the front seats was emptied. They even went through the litter box.
Missing: one Rosary, (how low is that?) and my cup full of change ( my emergency coffee money).
I would have a little more compassion if they had taken the hat, mitts, scarf and the quilt of the back seat thinking perhaps they were cold and alone. They obviously have no literary skills.There was a Chapters bag with 2 new books left behind.
If this tale sounds familiar it is because It has happened before. As I said you think I would learn!
So, whoever you are I have one word for you, KARMA.
I will not let this bother me. My Mother continues to improve a little "loopy" at times but forgivable in a "little old lady." I just want to see her back up on her feet and out of that hospital. The rest of my family is thriving and I am better now that I have ever been.


Abbeysmum said...

Sorry to hear you had such a poop happen right on Christmas.
I hope you are enjoying your 2 new books that you were lucky to have left.

Susan said...

One of the books was the one you recommended! I have 2 on the go right now and I am anxious to start The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.