Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Don't go shopping today!

That was close! I had just turned into the parking lot next to the mall when two young men collided their cars. I didn't see it happen so I hightailed it out of there and came home. But for the grace of God go I, my father would have said. The traffic is horrendous the people are ignorant. Forget it, if I go out I will walk over to the mall. *shudder* The mall lot is so ful lof cars, people are parking up and down our street and walking 2 blocks to the mall. Shoppers in London seem to have a lot of disposable income.
The above picture is a proposed glass bottom and glassed wall walkway to be built over the Grand Canyon. The fee will be $25.00 Yeah right! Pay to be terrified??? I wouldn't walk across the Bridge at Capilano, Vancouver Island, B.C. and it was a damn site less terrifying than this. Howsomeever, it swayed in the breeze. Not for me I prefer solid ground.
Work tomorrow morning, only one more week of all this seasonal joy and we can get back to normal. Working retail just takes the joy out of the season. I have been off 4 days and I am starting to get a little squirrely. I like my routine. All the things I thought I would do and I haven't done a thing. I think it is time to go put my feet up again.
Christmas was very nice this year, lest you think I am a total Grinch. I got to see my other two grand daughters and my other 3 children their significant others including a NEW girlfriend. She seems very sweet. Lordy I feel old some days. My grey is growing out and I am torn whether to go back "au natural" or keep up the blond. Men never seem to have this problem everyone says they look distinguished. O.K. enough rambling. I am out of here. I wonder what we have to eat????hmmmmm

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